Tuesday, September 06, 2011


so a co-worker announced today that he found a job in santa rosa, ca.
i thought to myself.. hmmm in the remote past i had a dream that i will be working in santa rosa. and i thought i wrote it down in my long-forgotten blog.

sure enough, a post from december 2007 mentions santa rosa, ca. the utility of this old blog don't cease to amaze me. some random thoughts from a long time ago are quite amusing. so i'll try to get acquainted again with my introspective self and try to post some of my feelings and dreams here.

i am not sure if anyone would find my blog again. but hello to everyone who might happen to stumble upon my blog again.

yeah, santa rosa, that maybe where i will be heading in 3 years. they say it is never the destination but the journey. so here's to my 3-year journey to santa rosa!

thanks for following me in my journeys! :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011


i am off for the next 8 work days so I am frantically finishing my dictations. 2 more to go. i can do this! :)

Sunday, January 09, 2011


It looks like I managed not to write a single post for the year 2010. I would like to make up for that this year.

It's 2:00 a.m. and I should be sleeping.

Today, I want to thank my new best friend.
My new IPOD touch.

I know I am so behind. Almost 2 decades ago, I was always glued to my walkman.
Now, I finally got into the IPOD bandwagon. I still love my Blackberry, but I don't know how long before I switch to an Iphone.

Ok time to sleep. I am on-call this week and expecting a patient to be transferred for treatment of brain mets tomorrow.

Monday, June 29, 2009


today i treated my mom and myself to a pedicure. hot pink nail polish with a white flower design on the big toes for me! my pedicured toes matched my flowery pink/cream outfit with front ruffles which i just had to wear to church today :).

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lago de Atitlan

Hello from the Mayan Highlands!

It's been an amazing 4 days so far! I arrived in Guatemala City last Sunday after a mere 6-hour plane ride. A shuttle driver transported me to Antigua, the former capital. I met 2 other students there at Meson Panza Verde (which literally means "green belly", the equivalent of "green thumb" here) where we awaited our shuttle that took us to Panajachel. The trip to the charming town of Panajachel was 2 hours worth of travel through winding mountain roads.

We were met at the dock by Dr. Sinkinson himself who founded the Mayan Medical Aid. After a 15-minute boat ride through the lake, we arrived at our destination Sta. Cruz La Laguna! Family-style dinner awaited us at the La Iguana Perdida where travelers from all over gather. It's the only local nightspot in town.

The walk up to the clinic is an arduous 15-min walk up a very steep hill. At the clinic we see patients and receive instruction in Medical Spanish on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I now know how to use 7 "magic" verbs: tener, tener que, poder, quiero, ir, esta, deber, haber :). On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we go to outreach clinics outside Sta. Cruz. Last Tuesday we went to San Pablo where we treated patients with UTI, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, ascariasis, gastritis, diarrhea, pharyngeal abscess, lymphadenitis, etc. It's interesting that we use empiric therapy here for most of the cases. No labs, no stool culture, no micro ID, no imaging, for the most part.

Tomorrow I will be going to Guatemala City to attend my first worship service here. I'll try to post pictures tomorrow so you can see my view of Guatemala including Lake Atitlan. It is a beautiful lake surrounded by volcanoes that caused its formation. I would have preferred a salty odor that I associate with bodies of water, but the lake is enticing nonetheless.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


march may be my favorite month, but i just love the sound of april. it just sounds delicate and dainty...

i'm unbelievably in my last month of medical school! i started mailing and passing out my graduation announcements :). i must admit that after all the struggles, i'm pretty excited to be done soon.

i'm not a big miley cyrus fan, but my song of the moment is

the climb.

life is pretty good. we participated in the shamrock run/walk to at least attempt to stay fit :). but we pretty much spend our time being lazy and eating out in and around town. most recently, we enjoyed kopper kettle inn and wheatley's. he also wants me to mention that he's been teaching me how to install pre-hung doors :).

i'm also excited about my trip to guatemala. i have spoken with our minister there and he's excited for my visit. we apparently have 28 or so brethren there and they are all very active. they have services in both spanish and tagalog. i will be studying 5-6 hours away from the city so i'll just split my time in both places.

that's all the news for now. the real reason why i'm writing is that i'm procrastinating ;). i'm on a cardiology elective this month and i'm assigned to do a presentation tomorrow. i better get started on that! later...XOXOXO

Sunday, February 08, 2009

my kids

Part of what makes being a Sunday school teacher so gratifying is being able to see children grow up to be steadfast and strong in their faith. I visited the Norwich, CT congregation today. I reconnected with some of the children I taught in my early years in Boston, 16 years or so ago. Of course, they are not children anymore :). One of them, who was only 7 or 8 at the time introduced me to everybody as "my Sunday school teacher who taught me everything". How sweet! :)